IMAGINE, if all attorneys were cost-effective, problem-solving peacemakers…what a wonderful World it would be! Lawyers work for clients and, the good ones, recognize that clients hire lawyers to solve rather than create problems, and to save rather than cost them money. The good lawyers are accordingly “active listeners” who utilize their smarts and experience to first understand their client’s problem and, whenever possible, to resolve same without the unnecessary costs and acrimony of litigation. The good lawyer initially “holds out the olive branch” to see if a peaceful resolution is possible before turning into a “pit bull with lockjaw” when necessary to secure justice.
The post-pandemic real estate market is booming as people move from the city to the suburbs. Although buying or selling a home is a fairly straightforward transaction, there are a few things every Buyer or Seller should know.
The post-virus world that we now live in has impacted not only general education, but has even more severely impacted special education. Physical presence, touch, redirection, physical therapy, behavioral skills, speech therapy, and parent-teacher interaction are even more vital in the context of special education.
Parenting Coordination is a CHILD-CENTERED and PARENT FRIENDLY way to co-parent that courts, attorneys and therapists all support. Parenting coordination services provide New Jersey parents with the legal and therapeutic services needed to resolve differences and effectively co-parent without undue costs and acrimony.
On November 3, 2020, the voters of New Jersey approved ballot question number one; legalizing the recreational use of marijuana in the Garden State. This video explores how this change in our law might or might not impact custody and parenting-time cases.